Our streaming film databases include a mix of both secondary sources (documentaries) and historical primary sources (such as original recordings of historic events and speeches). Films can be identified either by browsing the databases or by searching.
When searching for films by specific title or by topic, the library catalog is best, because it includes records for films spanning our numerous databases.
Tip: After your initial search, use the left-hand column to limit your search to Full Text Online and Audio Visual.
You can also go into individual databases and browse to see what they have. Here is a link to all our streaming video databases.
Here is a few databases that are likely to have relevant content:
Award-winning films, documentaries, interviews, and archival footage exploring the social, cultural, and political evolution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day.
Streaming educational videos in a wide variety of subject areas.
Award-winning documentaries relevant to many curricular areas such as race and gender, multiculturalism, arts, environment, globalization, human rights, and more.