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Women's and Gender Studies

A research guide for Women's and Gender Studies from West Chester University Libraries.

Recommended Readings

These recommended readings from Professor Heubner may be a good place to get started!  Many are available through the libraries' databases or on the web (links provided).  There are a few articles we don't have access to, but you can use the ILLiad interlibrary loan system to request a copy (usually takes 1-2 business days and arrives as a PDF).


Collins, Patricia Hill. 2000. “Mammies, Matriarchs, and Other Controlling Images” from Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment, Second Edition. New York: Routledge.

Lorde, Audre. 1984. “Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House” Sister Outsider. Crossing Press., then navigate to the correct essay using the menu on the left.

Intimate Violence

Crenshaw, Kimberle’. 1991. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color.” Stanford Law Review. 43:1241-99.

Huebner, Lisa C. 2008. It is Part of the Job: Waitresses and Nurses Define Sexual Harassment. Sociological Viewpoints. Fall: 75-90.

WCU doesn’t have access to this journal article.  It can be requested via the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service.

Hate-based Violence

Jauk, Daniela. 2013. “Invisible Lives, Silenced Violence: Transphobic Gender Violence in Global Perspective.”  Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part A, pp. 111-136., then look for the PDF icon at the top of the page to download the entire chapter for easier reading.

Lloyd, Moya. 2013. “Heternormativity and/as Violence: The Sexing of Gwen Araujo.” Hypatia 28(4): 1-18.

Wells-Barnett, Ida B. 1895. The Red Record.

Southern Poverty Law Center

State Sanctioned Violence

Crago, Anna- Louise. 2014. “Bitches Killing the Nation”: Analyzing the Violent State-Sponsored Repression of Sex Workers in Zambia, 2004–2008.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 39(2): 365-381.

Davis, Angela Y. 2003. Are Prisons Obsolete. Seven Stories Press.

We have this book in print only:

Davis, Angela. 1981. “Rape, Racism, and the Myth of the Black Rapist” in Women, Race, and Class. New York, NY: Vintage Books. use the menu on the left to navigate to the correct chapter (11).

Lorde Audre. For the Record In memory of Eleanor Bumpers

Trenholm, Jill et al. 2016. “The global, the ethnic and the gendered war: women and rape in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,” Gender, Place, and Culture, 23(4): 484-502.

WCU doesn’t have access to this journal article.  It can be requested via the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service.

Violence That Contributes to Capital

Burke, Mary (Ed.). 2017. Human Trafficking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd Edition. Routledge.


Crann, Sara E. and Paula C. Barata. 2015. “The Experience of Resilience for Adult Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Phenomenological Inquiry.” Violence Against Women, 1-23.

Projanksy, Sarah. 2010. “Rihanna’s Closed Eyes.” The Velvet Light Trap 65: 71-73.

Wang, Yu-Wei. 2011. “Voices From the Margin: A Case Study of A Rural Lesbian’s Experience with Woman-To-Woman Sexual Violence. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 15:166–175.

WCU doesn’t have access to this journal article.  It can be requested via the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service, using an article request.

Roy, Srila. 2009. “The Ethical Ambivalence of Resistant Violence: Notes from Postcolonial South Asia.” Feminist Review, 91: 135-153.

Core Databases

Your Bibliography Assignment requires at least two scholarly sources from each of the three major disciplinary approaches studied in class:  Women's and Gender Studies, Sociology, and History.  Below are the library databases dedicated to each of those disciplines.  Searching in them is going to be the easiest way to find articles that meet that requirement.

Databases from Related Disciplines

While articles from the three core databases will likely be at the center of your arguments, you may want to supplement them with articles from related disciplines.

Tip:  If using Library Search for scholarly sources, look for the link to limit to just Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journals in the column to the left.


Your various assignments for this class focus on scholarly journal articles, which tend to have the most current research.  In some cases, there may also be scholarly books that will provide history, background, and context for your topic. 

Tip: Aren't sure what discipline a book is from?  Look up the author(s).  A quick Google search search for "Authors full name" will usually pull back a page from the college/university they are affiliated with and you can check their department.   

This box is set to search just the library catalog.

Books on Class Topics

Keep in mind that these are just a few examples of books from the last 10 years.  We have many, many more related to your class topics!



Note:  There are also a lot of popular, self-help type books out there on resilience.  Nothing wrong with that, but most of those type of books aren't going to be appropriate for this class.

Violence and Gender

Violence and Race

Violence and Disability

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400