InterLibrary Loan
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Shelf Reading is an important duty that keeps the library functioning smoothly.
Opening – this looks like a lot but usually only takes about 5-15 minutes
Turn on lights
Start help desk computers
Replace closed sign with service bell and “ring bell” sign
Unlock 110 and turn on lights (leave door open, it locks automatically)
Turn on lights in 112 and Grab key for DVD safety case opener (blue key ring) on wall next to office (RM113)
Unlock DVD safety case opener and return key to room 112
Unlock study rooms if needed and check for lost items, trash, damage, etc.
Make sure Ramcast station monitors are off
Get DVD display from storage room (across from stairwell) and place in front of elevators
Do a quick check of main area
Check printer for problems and fill paper trays if needed
Look for lost items, damage, trash, etc.
Make sure all table outlets, charging station and the Anatomage table are plugged in
Make sure lights in die cut area are on
Check calendar to see if any events are happening in IMC or Juve room that need signage & set up signage if needed
Closing - the IMC Help desk area cannot be completely closed off so we try to make it as secure as possible
Put DVD display rack in storage room
Lock DVD safety case opener (key on wall in 112 near light switch w/ blue key ring)
Take any returned DVDs to shelving cart in 112, and any equipment and/or liability forms to 110
Turn off lights in 112 and 110, close door to 110, it locks automatically
Replace service bell and “ring bell” sign with closed sign
Shut down computers at help desk
Turn off lights and make sure stanchion rope is in place (from wall outside 111 to side of desk)
Take any lost and found items to main Library Help Desk