Here are a number of Frequently Asked Questions that you will recieve down in the IMC. You will get a wide variety of questions asked while at the desk, and it helps to know about not only the library but West Chester University as a whole. If you don't know something, ask! Trish, Amanda, Kim and Matt are all here to help you succeed!
Q: Where can I print?
A: You can print from the Flash Printing Station in the IMC, from a laptop borrowed in the IMC, on the second floor from the Reference workstations or QVC information Commons.
Q: Where can I print doubled-sided?
A: You can print double-sided only in the IMC by using the Flash Printing Station or by borrowing a laptop.
Q: Can I print from my own laptop?
A: Absolutely! You can link all of your personal devices to RamPrint. There are instructions on the library website on how to do this.
Q: How do I log on to RamNet?
A: Login credentials are your e-mail (don't forget!) and your password. Ex. Make sure you are logging on to RamNet, and not RamNet - Guest.
Q: Where can I scan something? Does the library have a fax machine?
A: The IMC, Periodicals and QVC Information Commons (second floor) all have Scannex scanners. These are touchscreen scanners that will scan documents to your e-mail, flash drive, dropbox, google drive or smartphone. This unit can also send a fax, and is free of charge. Scanned e-mails can only go to WCU e-mail addresses.
Q: Can I check out books at the IMC Help Desk?
A: Yes! You can check out any materials at the IMC Help Desk.
Q: Are there any photocopiers in the library?
A: There is a photocopier by the Circulation Desk on the second floor. You can use your prints to make copies.
Q: How do I laminate things?
A: Lamination is done by staff in the IMC once or twice daily. Typically the staff laminates at 11:30am and at 8:30pm. Students can drop off their materials at any time and can expect the laminations to be completed in 24 hours. Payment is due when the patron picks up their lamination.
Q: What is the deal with movies?
A: Movies are free to borrow for students, staff and faculty of WCU. The stacks are closed to patrons but they are more than welcome to use Primo (our online library catalog) and search for individual movies or use the guides provided at the IMC desk. Movie loan period is one week for students, staff, and faculty. Movies can be renewed once (as long as there is not a hold on it) for patrons if they stop in at the IMC desk or by phone.