Faculty Resources

Library resources and services for faculty.

Adding Library Content

Information on this page can be used as a general guide for adding a variety of library resource links to course content or D2L. Always feel free to contact your subject librarian or the Electronic Resources Librarian for more help.

Linking to content means copy and pasting a persistent URL for a specific resource.

Embedding content means copy and pasting code for a specific resource.

Linking to a Database

To provide database specific links, copy and paste the link to the right of the database listing. 


Linking to an Article

When linking to an article from a library database or journal subscription, you will need a stable, permanent or persistent link. This link makes sure that students can access the article from off-campus. The links are located differently in each resource.

The link should include our EZproxy prefix. If it does not, you will need to add it to the beginning of the persistent link, before the 'http'.

EZproxy Prefix: http://proxy-wcupa.klnpa.org/login?url=

Linking and Embedding Streaming Content

Linking to streaming content works much the same way as linking to articles. You will also need the stable, permanent, or persistent link and you will also need to add the EZproxy prefix if it is not already added (exception - Kanopy does not need the proxy prefix).

  • EZproxy Prefix: http://proxy-wcupa.klnpa.org/login?url=
  • To link to streaming content, copy and paste the URL from the "Embed/Link" Icon.
  • To embed streaming content, copy and past the code from the "Embed/Link Icon.

Alexander Street Press


Films On Demand



*Note: While it may look like Kanopy needs the proxy prefix, it works the way it is set up. Don't change the link!


Naxos Music or Video Databases

Linking to eBooks

We have many ebook options including specialized reference materials, primary sources, subject specific ebooks, handbooks, and ebook collections from EBSCO and eBrary. Browse our ebook resources.

You will need the stable/persistent link to the title of the book and can find this in the same way as an article. In some cases, like Oxford Handbooks, you will need to email yourself a link to the title first and then copy and paste that link into your content.