Innovation Media Center (IMC)

Contact Us

Innovation Media Center
Help Desk
610 436-3395

Amanda Brooks
Library Technician
610 436-2759

Bobby Kirkner
Library Technician
610 436-2068

Shannon Santoso
Library Technician
610 436-3394

Poster Printing at the IMC

The Innovation Media Center (IMC) of the F.H.G. Library houses a large-format plotter, suitable for printing posters, banners, or any other files that are too big for a standard printer. We are located on the first floor of the Library (Just down the hall from the Starbucks!) 

  • You can submit your file for printing using our Print Request form 
  • We require a minimum of 72 hours (three working days) notice for print requests done on the plotter.  Jobs submitted for deadlines shorter than this cannot be guaranteed. 
  • Posters can be printed from rolls of paper up to 42" wide or on various sizes of paper sheets.  
  • We have 24",  36" and 42" rolls of both Bond and Photo paper. If you want to avoid trimming your print use 24", 36" or 42" as the height or width of your print.  We also have single sheets that can be used for printing. See Printing Options below for more details.
  • There will be no free reprints for errors of formatting or color differentiation. You are responsible for the formatting and design of your file. Library Staff cannot be responsible for editing your work or formatting the print. 

  • All printing must be paid for at the time you pick up your prints. We accept cash, check, credit/debit or Ram Bucks as payment.

  • Maximum width for HP plotter 42" wide. At least one dimension of your file must be 42" or less for us to be able to print it.


  • The IMC does not offer poster printing services on Saturdays. If you submit your print after 4pm on Friday no one will see it until after noon on Sunday (During Summer sessions there are no poster printing services Saturday or Sunday).
  • If we find a problem we may email you. We check that the file you submitted matches the size you requested and is in a format which we can print. If not, we will email you. Please keep an eye on your email.
  • The IMC staff will email you when your print request is complete. 
  • You may pick up your poster during the IMC hours of operation once you receive our email.

(*Pricing may vary should a poster use excessive color (ie: posters requiring large amounts of ink)

Size Paper Type Regular Ink Total*
24", 36", or 42" Roll Plain / Bond Roll $1 / Sq. Foot
24", 36", or 42" Roll Photo / Gloss Roll $3 / Sq. Foot
13" x 19" Photo / Gloss Sheet $6 / Sheet
13" x 19" Premium Color Copy Matte (80lb) $2 / Sheet
11" x 17" Photo / Gloss Sheet $3.00 / Sheet
11" x 17" Plain / Bond Sheet $1.50 / Sheet
19" x 25" Cream Speckletone (70lb) out of stock $4.00 / Sheet
19" x 25" Starch White Speckletone (80lb) $4.00 / Sheet
19" x 25" Madero Beach Speckletone (70lb) $4.00 / Sheet
19" x 25" Newsprint Extra White Dur-o-tone (70lb) out of stock $4.00 / Sheet
25" x 38" Starchwhite Speckletone (70lb) $7.50 / Sheet
25" x 38" Cream Speckletone (70lb)

$7.50 / Sheet

25" x 38" Butcher Extra White Dur-o-tone (80lb) $7.50 / Sheet
25" x 38" Madero Beach Speckletone (70lb) $7.50 / Sheet
25" x 38" Newsprint Extra White Dur-o-tone (50lb) out of stock $7.50 / Sheet