Diverse Classroom Libraries

A Prism Conceptual Framework Towards Identifying, Analyzing, and Selecting Diverse Children's Texts

What criteria should be used to determine if a book should be included in a classroom library?


Depicts all genders in a positive light

  • Pick books that celebrate the full range of genders and gender expressions. Every student wants to see themselves represented in their classroom. By including all genders, every student can feel seen. Books that have a positive tone and highlight great qualities of all genders will teach students to look for the positives in everyone. By celebrating everyone, no student is left out and all students can learn to accept one another.


Encourages all genders to pursue hobbies, sports, activities, and careers they like

  • Look for books that encourage all genders to grow up and become anything they show interest in. Books that represent a variety of genders in a variety of positions will encourage young readers to do or become whatever they want. A book that represents a young girl as a race car driver or a book that depicts a young boy as a cheerleader opens a world of opportunities to its reader.
  • By including these books, one is normalizing genders not sticking to specific hobbies, sports, activities, and careers creating a less judgemental future society (Tognoli, Pullen, & Lieber, 1994).

Allow genders to express themselves through their appearance

  • Include books that have characters whose appearances range. A book with a female character that has short hair or dresses in basketball shorts may resonate with some students. A book that shows a male character in a dress may resonate with other students. At the same time, a character that is a female that wears pink and dresses will resonate with some students. Including books with a range of appearances will reach multiple students. These books may also encourage students to express themselves through their appearance (Crisp & Hiller, 2011).

Avoiding a "Norm"

Avoid books that depict certain genders as superior or “normal”

  • Avoid books that state one gender is better than another. This creates the idea that there is a superiority amongst genders and people should be treated differently depending on their gender. Instead, look for books that praise all genders.
  • Avoid books that state certain genders are the norm and others are abnormal. This can lead to superiority and, again, lead to the mistreatment of others. This is also harmful for students who fall into the book’s decided abnormal category and can affect the student’s judgment of themself. If books put all genders on the same playing field, students will see that as the norm and won’t treat the genders differently.

Avoid depictions of unrealistic relationships

  • Avoid books that give unrealistic ideas on how relationships work. If students are consistently shown unrealistic relationships, they will grow up to follow or expect these relationships in the real world.
    • Example: A book that depicts a prince saving a princess will show young girls that a man will come and save them when they have problems. Or a book that shows a male character being sad and only finding happiness when a woman comes into their life will show young boys that their happiness depends on if they have a girlfriend or not.
  • Instead, find books that teach all genders to be kind and respectful to one another when in relationships. If students are provided with books that depict healthy relationships, they will grow up to model these behaviors (Isaacson, 2016).

Doesn’t limit relationships to only men and women

  • Find books that display a variety of relationships between multiple genders. Don’t only use books that have characters that are a male and female falling in love. Pick books that show two women or men in love to normalize that relationships can be between any gender. If a book can depict a man and women falling in love, then another book can depict two men falling in love as well.

Positive Examples

Negative Example