Access to a vast indexed collection of corporate and industry related documents from over 100 countries and industries. Includes digitized manuals, Ford Equity Research reports, Annual company reports, and the Industry Report Collection.
First Research Industry Profile
To find First Research Industry Profile, conduct Keyword searches at the public website of First Research Industry Profile, and retrieve the NAICS industry code of the report. Navigate Mergent Archive->D&B Manuals--> First Research, and copy/paste the NAICS code from the website.
Mergent Key Business Ratios Collection
The Dun & Bradstreet® Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios are made possible through over one million financial statements in the Dun & Bradstreet® Financial Information Base. This file consists of US corporations, partnerships and proprietorships both public and privately owned, in all size ranges, and includes over 800 different lines of business as defined by the US Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code numbers. Our data is collected weekly, maintained daily, and constantly edited and updated.
Navigate Mergent Archive->D&B Manuals-->Key Business Ratios
Find Census data for businesses including Expenses and Expenditures, Business and Owner Characteristics, Sales and Shipment and Production, Small Business.
Resources for Canadian businesses. Create a report to view financial performance data by industry. Financial Performance Data provides access to more than 1000 industries across Canada, including more than 30 performance benchmarks to help small businesses determine how they measure up to their competitors.