H -- Index
Term |
Notes |
Date |
Page |
Haas, Dr |
1954 |
189 |
Haas, Francis |
1939 |
164 |
Haas, Francis |
1944/1945 |
175 |
Haas, Francis |
1942/1943 |
172 |
Haldeman, D.L. |
1914 |
109 |
Halfpenny, Amy |
1905 |
90 |
Halfpenny, Amy |
1907 |
93 |
Halfpenny, Amy |
1907/1908 |
94 |
Halfpenny, Amy |
1914/1915 |
109 |
Halgrim, Miss |
1918/1919 |
114 |
Halgrim, Miss |
photo |
nd |
119 |
Hall, |
1970/1971 |
252 |
Hall, Bert |
1920/1921 |
120 |
Hall, Irene A |
1871 |
17 |
Hall, Joseph |
1958 |
194 |
Hall, Joseph |
1963 |
219 |
Hall, Joseph |
death |
1965 |
224 |
Hall, Walter E |
1871 |
16 |
Hall, William |
nd |
264 |
Hallelujah Chorus |
1935/1936 |
159 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1955/1956 |
191 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1961 |
215 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1965 |
223 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1966 |
225 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1968 |
233 |
Hallman, Theodore |
1969 |
235 |
Halpern, Samuel |
1971 |
253 |
Hambleton, Emily |
1871 |
14 |
Hambleton, Emily |
1871 |
23 |
Hammel, Robert |
1893 |
68 |
Hammond, Vernond |
1954/1955 |
190 |
Hampson, Jo |
nd |
xi |
Hanby, Alfred |
1947 |
180 |
handbook |
see: student handbook |
handicapped children |
1962/1963 |
218 |
Hannum, John |
1877 |
34 |
Hannum, John |
1893 |
68 |
Hanselman, Joseph |
1925/1926 |
127 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
incl. photo |
1894 |
69 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1895/1896 |
73 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1895/1896 |
74 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1899 |
80 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1902 |
84 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
photo |
1904 |
88 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1905/1906 |
90 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1906 |
92 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1908 |
95 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
1915/1916 |
110 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
retires |
1920/1921 |
119 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
photo |
nd |
119 |
Hardee, Charlotte |
nd |
228 |
Harding, Cliff |
1963 |
219 |
Hare, Mary J |
1871 |
17 |
Hare, Thomas |
1871 |
16 |
Harlan, Enoch |
nd |
Harney, Thomas |
photo |
1971 |
270 |
Harper, Joan |
1966/1967 |
228 |
Harris, President |
1896 |
74 |
Harrison, N |
1876 |
32 |
Hart, Henry |
1926/1927 |
131 |
Hartley, Adelaide |
1871 |
14 |
Hartley, J |
1871 |
14 |
Hartman, Helen J |
1871 |
17 |
Hartman, J |
1893 |
68 |
Hartman, J |
1894/1895 |
70 |
Hartman, J |
1895 |
72 |
Hartmen, William D |
1870 |
8 |
Hastings, Governor |
1896 |
74 |
Hastings, Governor |
1898 |
78 |
Hatch, Charles B |
1870 |
8 |
Hause, Mr |
1913 |
105 |
Hause, Mr |
1913 |
106 |
Hauskencht Grove |
1943 |
173 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1921 |
120-121 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1921/1922 |
122 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1923 |
123 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1923 |
124 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1923/1924 |
125 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1924/1925 |
126 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1925/1926 |
128 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1926/1927 |
128 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1926 |
128 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1929/1930 |
140 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1933/1934 |
147 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1934/1935 |
149 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1934/1935 |
150 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1935/1936 |
156 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1935/1936 |
159 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
1936/1937 |
160 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
incl. photo |
1942 |
171 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
death/photo |
1943 |
173 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
nd |
xi |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
nd |
184 |
Hausknecht, C. Edward |
nd |
247 |
Hawaii, Queen of |
1898 |
77 |
Hawkins, Earl |
1970 |
247 |
Hawley, |
photo |
nd |
119 |
Hawthorne, Arthur |
1961 |
210 |
Hawxhurst, Mary |
1882 |
43 |
Hay, Ian |
1916/1917 |
111 |
Hayes, Jack |
1893 |
68 |
Hayes, Maggie J |
1871 |
17 |
Hayes, Robert L |
1893 |
68 |
Hayman, Peter |
1963 |
219 |
Hazelton Club |
1926/1927 |
129 |
hazing |
1926/1927 |
128 |
hazing |
1932/1933 |
145 |
hazing |
1933 |
146 |
hazing |
1935/1936 |
156 |
hazing |
1967/1968 |
231 |
hazing |
photo |
1970/1971 |
249 |
hazing |
nd |
133-134 |
hazing |
nd |
221-222 |
hazing |
see also: Freshmen Regulations |
hazing |
see also: Frosh Frolics |
hazing |
1934 |
147 |
Heagey, Julia |
1950 |
184 |
Health and Physical Education Center |
see also: South Campus |
Health and Physical Education Center |
1962 |
218 |
Health and Physical Education Department |
1959 |
199 |
Health and Physical Education Department |
1959/1960 |
201 |
Health and Physical Education Department |
1960 |
204-205 |
Health and Physical Education Department |
1964 |
221 |
Health and Physical Education, School of |
1967 |
229 |
Health Committee |
1937 |
161 |
Health Education |
1922/1923 |
123 |
Health Education |
1929/1930 |
140 |
Health Education - shows |
1962 |
217 |
Health Education - shows |
nd |
143 |
Health Education - shows |
see also: circus |
Health Education - women |
1927/1928 |
134 |
Health Education Department |
1957 |
192 |
Health Education Department |
1927/1928 |
134 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1924/1925 |
126 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1926/1927 |
128 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1926/1927 |
131 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1929/1930 |
140 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1933/1934 |
147 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
fire |
1942 |
171 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
photo |
1944 |
175 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
retires |
1952 |
186 |
Heathcote, Charles W |
1958 |
194 |
Heilman, Don |
nd |
182 |
Heim, Harold |
nd |
182 |
Heim, Thomas |
photo |
1942 |
171 |
Heim, Thomas |
retires |
1959 |
196 |
Heim, Thomas |
emeritus |
1963 |
219 |
Heinemann, Marie |
retires/photo |
1942 |
171 |
Helms, Frank |
nd |
xi |
Hemphill, Joseph |
1869 |
5 |
Hemphill, Joseph |
1870 |
8 |
Hemphill, Robert C. Jr. |
1871 |
16 |
Henderson, Geneva |
1935 |
156 |
Henderson, George |
1914 |
106 |
Henderson, Vernon |
1944 |
vii |
Henslee, Rebecca |
photo |
1942 |
171 |
Herbarium |
see: Darlington Herbarium |
1942 |
172-173 |
Hernandez, G, S. |
1912/1913 |
102 |
Heron, |
photo |
1893 |
68 |
Hersh, Earl |
1952 |
187 |
Hewit, C.E. |
1876 |
32 |
Hibbs, Anna S |
1874 |
30 |
Hickman, Bud |
1934/1935 |
149 |
Hickman, Larry |
1871 |
16 |
Hickman, Marshall B |
1871 |
11 |
Hickman, Marshall B |
1871 |
14 |
Hickman, Marshall B |
nd |
7 |
Hickman, Wellington Jr |
1871 |
16 |
Hickman, William |
1871 |
16 |
high school teachers |
courses for |
1891 |
61 |
High School Visiting Day |
1945 |
176 |
High Street |
photo |
1912 |
101 |
High Street |
photo |
1912 |
102 |
High Street |
1952 |
187 |
High Street |
photo |
1970's |
257 |
hikes |
2nd Annual Walk |
1914 |
109 |
hikes |
1915 |
110 |
Hilbush, Edward 0 |
photo |
1971 |
270 |
Hildeburn, James |
1871 |
16 |
Hill, Leslie Pinkney |
1917 |
112 |
Hill, Leslie Pinkney |
1925/1926 |
127 |
1898 |
77 |
Historical Approach to American Problems |
1970 |
252 |
1946 |
177 |
History Department |
1893/1894 |
69 |
History Department |
1898 |
78 |
History Department |
1971 |
253-254 |
history of the University |
Hit or Miss |
faculty club |
1885/1886 |
46 |
Hitler, Adolf |
1934/1935 |
148 |
Hitler, Adolf |
1936/1939 |
166 |
Hitler, Adolf |
1940 |
168 |
Hitner, Daniel H |
1871 |
16 |
Hobbs, Francis |
photo |
1942 |
171 |
Hobson, Richard |
1903 |
86 |
Hockenberry, J.C. |
1891/1892 |
62 |
Hoerner, Jack |
nd |
182 |
Hoffman, George F |
1898 |
77 |
Hoffmann, Bruce |
1942 |
171 |
Hoffmann, Bruce |
1944 |
vii |
Hohenshelt, George |
1931 |
142 |
Holding, A.M. |
1913 |
105-106 |
Holding, A.M. |
1926/1927 |
130 |
Holding, Mrs. A.M. |
1935 |
150 |
Holland, Bill |
1969 |
235 |
Holland, Bill |
photo |
nd |
250 |
Holland, Mary |
1931 |
142 |
Holland, Mary |
photo |
1942 |
171 |
Hollinger Field House |
1929/1930 |
140 |
Hollinger Field House |
1949/1950 |
183 |
Hollinger Field House |
cornerstone laying / photo |
1953 |
188 |
Hollinger Field House |
photo / interior |
1954/1955 |
190 |
Hollinger Field House |
1958/1959 |
195 |
Hollinger Field House |
1960 |
203 |
Hollinger Field House |
1961 |
208 |
Hollinger Field House |
1964 |
220 |
Hollinger Field House |
1966 |
225 |
Hollinger Field House |
1970/1971 |
252 |
Hollinger Hash Slingers Association |
1923/1924 |
123 |
Hollinger, John |
1926/1927 |
128 |
Hollinger, John |
1910 |
99 |
Hollinger, John |
1911/1912 |
100-101 |
Hollinger, John |
1912/1913 |
102 |
Hollinger, John |
1913 |
104 |
Hollinger, John |
1913/1914 |
107 |
Hollinger, John |
1917/1918 |
112 |
Hollinger, John |
1918/1919 |
113 |
Hollinger, John |
1920/1921 |
119 |
Hollinger, John |
1921/1922 |
121 |
Hollinger, John |
1921/1922 |
122 |
Hollinger, John |
1922/1923 |
123 |
Hollinger, John |
1923/1924 |
123 |
Hollinger, John |
1923/1924 |
125 |
Hollinger, John |
1924/1925 |
125 |
Hollinger, John |
1925/1926 |
127-128 |
Hollinger, John |
1926/1927 |
131 |
Hollinger, John |
1927 |
132 |
Hollinger, John |
resigns |
1927/1928 |
134 |
Hollinger, John |
1928 |
137 |
Hollinger, John |
1928/1929 |
138 |
Hollinger, John |
1929/1930 |
140 |
Hollinger, John |
1932/1933 |
146 |
Hollinger, John |
1946/1947 |
179 |
Hollinger, John |
1960 |
203 |
Hollinger, John |
photo |
nd |
195 |
Hollinger, John |
nd |
xi |
Hollinger's Paper Pickinq Association |
incl. photo |
1926/1927 |
128 |
Hollingsworth, W |
nd |
7 |
Hollinqer, John |
nd |
264 |
Holm, Kerstin |
1961 |
207 |
homecoming |
1929/1930 |
140 |
homecoming |
1932 |
145 |
honor system |
1905/1906 |
90 |
Hook (The) |
1935/1936 |
156 |
Hoopes, George R |
nd |
7 |
Hoopes, Herman |
incl |
1923 |
124 |
Hoopes, Josiah |
1870 |
6 |
Hoopes, Josiah |
1871 |
11 |
Hoopes, Josiah |
1871 |
14 |
Hoopes, Llewelyn |
1903/1904 |
87 |
Hoopes, Margaret |
1931 |
142 |
Horn Collection |
1905/1906 |
91 |
Hoskins, P.C. |
1893 |
68 |
Hoskins, Percy |
1871 |
16 |
Hoskins, Thomas S |
1935 |
150 |
Hoskins, William H |
1870 |
9 |
Hotchkiss, Robert |
photo |
1971 |
270 |
House of Representatives |
1894/1895 |
71 |
Houseal, |
photo |
nd |
119 |
Household Committee |
1885/1886 |
47 |
Household Committee |
1903 |
86 |
Household Committee |
1913 |
103 |
Household Committee |
1914 |
109 |
housemothers |
1940/1941 |
166 |
Howard, Mr |
1942 |
171 |
Howe, Julia Ward |
1899 |
80 |
Howe, Julia Ward |
nd |
55 |
Howland, Dr |
1914 |
109 |
Hoxie, Henry |
1871 |
14 |
Hubbard, William G |
1894/1895 |
71 |
Huddleson, W.H. |
nd |
7 |
Huey, Anne M |
1938/1939 |
166 |
Hulme, Art |
nd |
182 |
Human Relations Council |
1969 |
239 |
Hunt, Charles |
1961 |
216 |
Hunt, W.T. |
1893 |
68 |
Huntzinger, Eugene |
1918/1919 |
113 |
hurricanes |
Hazel |
1954 |
189 |
Hussey, Wayne |
incl. photo |
1957/1958 |
192 |
Hutton, Addison |
1879 |
9 |