[Overview/Editorial Articles]
- easily available online; good as a starting point for brainstorming research directions, but the content often doesn't have enough depth.
- Google Search
1. What Is Fintech? (Forbes)
2. Financial Technology (Fintech) (Investopedia)
[Scholarly Research Articles]
- available through Business Source Complete or Google Scholar (WCU library link setup for full text); some are open-access online; backed up by theories, empirical evidence, and strong data analysis, and more reliable with a peer-review process; sometimes the topic can be narrow, but the example below is broad enough for the fintech topic.
- Search Library Database (Business Source Complete)
3. Murinde, V., Rizopoulos, E., & Zachariadis, M. (2022). The impact of the FinTech revolution on the future of banking: Opportunities and risks. International Review of Financial Analysis, 81, N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2022.102103 (Open Access Online; mentioned both positive and negative aspects)
4. Mention, A.-L. (2019). The Future of Fintech. Research Technology Management, 62(4), 59–63. https://doi.org/10.1080/08956308.2019.1613123 (short summary, positive views)
5. Das, S. R. (2019). The future of fintech. Financial Management (Wiley-Blackwell), 48(4), 981–1007. https://doi.org/10.1111/fima.12297 (long, and stressed concerns and pitfalls)
[Magazine Articles]
- Magazines such as Harvard Business Review often include professional insights, available through library databases with limited access online; understanding the author's background is critical for understanding the purpose and perspectives of the article.
- Search Library Database (Business Source Complete)
6. Bulger, Z., & Rouen, E. (2022). How Fintech Can Deliver on Its Social Impact Promises: Digital financial companies are making big claims about financial inclusion -- but are failing to disclose data that backs up their efforts. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6. (raise concerns; offer solutions)
[Newspaper Articles]
- Newspaper articles are often on specific deals, incidents, and views with many details. Useful for providing detailed evidence and viewpoints.
- Online or Library Newspaper Database (U.S. Major Dailies)
7. Andriotis, A. (2022, Aug 15). Affirm CEO aims to prove fintech doubters wrong. Wall Street Journal.
[Government Documents]
- Government research products are often in the public domain and available online, often reflecting a relatively neutral perspective and addressing policy-related regulatory challenges and concerns.
- Google: fintech site:.gov
8. Fintech: Overview of Innovative Financial Technology and Selected Policy Issues (Congressional Research Services) (Neutral standpoint with both benefits and risks but discussed more issues/concerns for policy-making)
[Professional Reports]
- Consulting firms often conduct research to inform industry practices and release their reports online as part of content marketing efforts.
- Google: fintech filetype:pdf
9. The Pulse of FinTech 2021 (KPMG) (Positive tone with industry trends, opportunities, etc.)
[Non-Profit Organization White Paper/Reports]
- Nonprofit organizations, think tanks, and industry associations often create their reports to inform practices and policies and release them freely online. Content can provide deep insights into an issue or industry practices, but we need to be aware of the organization's standpoint and its purpose/mission to better evaluate its content.
- Google: fintech site:.org
10. THE RAPID GROWTH OF FINTECH: VULNERABILITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR FINANCIAL STABILITY (IMF) (Topic focuses on vulnerabilities and financial stability implications)
11. Fintech, Female Employment, and Gender Inequality (IMF) (Positive findings for fintech's impact on gender equality).
[Media or Content Not in Print Format]
- more and more webinar recordings or conference speaker recordings are available online (via Youtube or other media platforms). These valuable contents are probably not available in traditional format.
- Youtube: Fintech Webinars
12: Future of Fintech (Webinar Deloitte)
- It is often only available through library databases or print collections. Books are not as well used as they should be in today's research. It helps you understand a topic or issue in a broad context and fit it in a logical structure, so you can better understand where your topic fits in a broad context and find many related topics or issues to deepen your research.
- Search the Library catalog to find more books on your interested topic.