APA Style
In-text Citation: (Laird, 2008)
Reference: Laird, K. (2008). Missing: Statue of Liberty. Marketing Magazine, 113(8), 8.
In-text Citation: (MarketLine, 2020)
Reference: MarketLine. (2020). Apple Inc. SWOT analysis. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
In-text Citation: (MarketLine, 2021)
MarketLine. (2021). Hotels & Motels [industry profile]. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
In-text Citation: (Trentmann, 2021)
Reference: Trentmann, N. (2021, Feb 05). Merck CFO brings corporate strategy experience to CEO role. Wall Street Journal (Online). Retrieved from ProQuest Database.
EBSCO databases (e.g. Business Source Complete) provide citation tools for your to create citations based on different citation styles. Click the article title, you will find the following tools list on the right of the screen. Use the Cite tool to create citations.
ProQuest Databases (e.g. Wall Street Journal Online) also provide citation tools. Click the title of the article, the following tools are listed on the top of the screen above the title of the article, use the Cite tool to create citations.
Check out the video on how to create a Parenthetical reference (in-text citation):
Check out the following video to learn how to format Reference Page with APA style: