All electronic resources have a location for a share, embed, or permalink. Each vendor is different and may use a link icon or different language. Examples from many of our databases are listed below. If you need more help in finding and creating permalinks, reach out to Kerry Walton.
When finding and using a link, you want to make sure that the OpenAthens permalinks have our identifier or prefix embedded in the URL. To try creating an OpenAthens permalink, add the prefix to a URL of a resource we subscribe to that does not have OpenAthens embedded in it. The OpenAthens prefix is:
Permalinks can be found in the same location for all EBSCO databases:
Permalinks can be found in the same location for all ProQuest databases:
Kanopy links look a little different but are similar to find and use as the other databases.
Naxos Music links are a little more complicated and require some work to configure the link for use. Feel free to reach out to Kerry Walton or Tim Sestrick for help on finding and creating permalinks in Naxos Music.
eBook Central is a ProQuest database but the permalinks for ebooks are in a different location from the regular ProQuest databases.
This screenshot shows where to find the link for a specific page in an ebook: