SWG 560

How Do I Find an eBook?

  1. Enter the book title on the Books/Media tab (or if you are using the new website, choose Catalog from the options next to the search bar at the top of the page). 
  2. On the left, click on Books under Source Type.
  3. Then click on Full Text Online under Show Only. 
  4. Now the results contain only ebooks.
  5. To access a book, click on the Online Access link:
  6. In the box that opens, look for the link to the full text near the top, in the box with the yellow banner. In some cases, there will be more than one link.
  7. You will be asked to log in with your WCU email address and password before you can use the ebook.

Get a Book Sent to you by WCU

To request books be sent to you:

  1. Find a book using the search box on the library's home page.
  2. Make sure you are signed in (using WCU login and password).
  3. Under the Get It heading, select the Request link. Get It heading; below that Request options: Request link, ILLiad link, Report a Problem link
  4. Select Home Address in the Pickup Location field. Then enter your home address in the Comment field. 

Books are checked out to you for 8 weeks, and can be renewed once. Books are shipped via UPS, and come with a postage paid return label - just drop off at the closest UPS dropoff location.

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400