SWG 511: HBSE - The Dialectic of Oppression and Liberation

Guide to help you with research for this class on the dialectic of oppression and liberation.

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Danielle Skaggs

Multicultural Resources Database

The Multicultural Resources Database (MRD) is a compilation of books we find interesting, written by authors of diverse cultural groups. The MRD:

  1. Provides examples of literature and related materials that students may find useful in expanding their knowledge of cultural identities.
  2. Provides ideas for instructors and practitioners to integrate narratives of life, strength, and challenges across disciplines in classrooms and service settings.

This database is by no means comprehensive.  There is a huge collection of materials across the world that may be investigated and used for various academic and personal growth purposes and conversations. Culturally affirming materials may be used by students, educators, parents, service users, and others to plan critical thinking exercises, conversations, lessons, reflection, and relaxation.  The 2020 version has been updated and reorganized into categories by Shakira Davis, my graduate assistant.


We hope you will be encouraged to develop a reading list and select a few to enjoy!

Gwenelle S. O’Neal, DSW, MSW, LSW
Professor, Graduate Department of Social Work
goneal@wcupa.edu, Telephone: 610 738-0342

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