Keywords related to Tourism:
- Tour, tours, tourist, tourists, tourism
- Travel
- Destination
- Vocation Trips
- Cruise
Keywords related to industry or marketing:
- Industry
- Marketing
- Markets
- Business
Keywords related to COVID
- COVID-19
- Coronavirus
- Pandemic
Combine search terms in one search query and what it means in EBSCO search:
- Tourism Industry (search results contain both keywords and their thesaurus terms that appear in subject terms, keywords, or abstract of the article)
- Tourism AND industry (similar to search tourism industry, but both keywords can also appear in other search fields such as author affiliations)
- Tour* AND Industry (Truncation searches using an asterisk (*) allow the EBSCO search engine to find words with “tour” root in one query including tours, tourism, tourist, tourists, but it will not consult the thesaurus terms)
- “Tourism industry” (use quotation marks to search “tourism industry” as a phrase)
Find too many results, narrow your research results by:
- Limiting the year of publication
- Adding more search terms
- Using quotation marks to search phrase
Find too few results, broaden your research results by:
- Try different keywords, their synonyms and related terms
- Changing the search field to “TX All Text”
- Changing “searching Business Source Complete” (appear above the search box) to choose database-> Select Academic Search Ultimate or select all.