First-Generation College Student Resources

Textbooks on Reserve

You may be able to borrow textbooks and other recommended course readings for short periods. To check the availability of a book, log into course reserves through D2L or search here.

What Do I Need to Check Out Reserve Materials?

Bring your valid Ram Card or driver's license.

Is There a Priority List for Checking Out Reserve Materials?

No, we check out reserve material on a first come, first served basis. We do have an ad hoc wait list that we will use in the case of very popular materials.  If an item is out when you come to look for it, you can leave us your name, the book title, and your phone number or email address and we'll try to contact you when the item is returned.  You'll have fifteen minutes to pick it up, or it will be returned to the shelf or moved to the next person waiting. 

How Long Can I Check Out Reserve Materials For?
Your professor sets the check out period.  When you check out the material, you'll be told that the check out period is either: ​

  • 3 hours
  • Overnight

Borrowing textbooks we don't have

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service for WCU students, faculty, and staff that gets you a book, article, or other material not available at West Chester University Libraries. We work with libraries around the world to get you this material.

For more information and to request a book or article, visit our ILL page:

Checking Out Books

Loan Type Loan Period Renewals Replacement Fees
General Book, Score,  CD, and LP Collections 56 days 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
New Books 56 days 0 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Children's Collections 35 days 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Course Reserves 3 hours (standard), overnight, or 7 days if no one is waiting Applied 24 hours after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
DVDs, Videos, Films, and Board Games 35 days 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Equipment 3 days 0 Applied 7 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Laptops 14 days (Library Help), 7 days (Presser Music Library) If available Applied 2 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) Varies (determined by lending library) Determined by lending library Determined by lending library
EZborrow 84 days 0 Determined by lending library


Loan Type Loan Period Renewals Replacement Fees
General Book, Score, CD, and LP Collections 6 months 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
New Books 6 months 0 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Children's Collections 35 days 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Course Reserves 3 hours (standard), overnight, or 7 days if no one is waiting Applied 24 hours after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
DVDs, Videos, & Films 35 days 1 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Equipment 3 days 0 Applied 7 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)* Varies (determined by lending library) Determined by lending library Determined by lending library
EZBorrow* 84 days 0 Determined by lending library

*ILLiad and EZBorrow are not available to retirees.

Loan Type Loan Period Renewals Replacement Fees
General Book, Score, CD, and LP Collections 35 days 0 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Children's Collections 35 days 0 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
DVDs, Videos, & Films 35 days 0 Applied 35 days after due date, non-refundable if item is replaced
Reserve Books Library Use Only n/a n/a

For information about getting a WCU library card, see our borrowing policies.

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400