Our library subscribes to a number of databases that are useful for doing research on military history, veterans' experiences, and issues relating to military service and participation in combat.
Full-text searchable Civil War primary sources which include: Part I: A Newspaper Perspective, Part II: The Soldiers' Perspective, Part III: The Generals' Perspective, Part IV: A Midwestern Perspective (Indiana newspapers published 1855-1869), Part V: Iowa's Perspective, and Part VI: Northeast Regimental Histories.
Newspapers that reveal the story of war through information, entertainment and camaraderie to the forces at home and overseas.
Multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line that charts scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand accounts. Includes the papers of Nightingale and Fleming.
Historical, primary source material in African American studies.
Comprehensive collection of documents, videos, lectures and learning modules that spans early settlers to the end of World War II.
Streaming video that allows students and researchers to analyze historical events & their presentation over time through commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage & important documentaries. It includes History Channel and PBS broadcasts as well as USIA footage covering the Revolutionary Era to 21st century.
Search or browse these primary sources by year (1972 - ) or topic. Documents range from presidential speeches and international agreements to U.S. Supreme Court decisions, governmental reports, scientific findings, and cultural discussions.
Extensive historical statistics of the U.S. such as populations in the colonies, 1610-1780; international trade, 1790-2002; and military casualties, 1775-1991.
Essential tool for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students, providing extensive full-text coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines.
Produced by the American Psychological Association, this resource contains peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health.