EndNote Web

Instructions and help for using EndNote Web.

Cite While You Write

Video Directions

Written Directions

To insert references and format citations and bibliographies while you write, use the EndNote plug-in. It will also allow you to save online references to your library in IE for Windows.

  1. In EndNote Web, click on "Downloads"
  2. Read the Installation Instructions and System Requirements
  3. Click on the best download option for your system requirements and follow the installation instructions.
  4. Now open Microsoft Word and click on EndNote in the menu
  5. Select a citation style from the "Style" menu
  6. Place your cursor where you want to insert the note
  7. Click "Insert Citation"
  8. When the EndNote box opens, search for either the author's last name or words from the title
  9. Then click on the correct source
  10. EndNote will insert both a citation and bibliographic reference at the end of the document


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