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WRT 204: Pop Culture Journals & Articles


We have a number of databases that you can use to find both scholarly articles on popular culture topics.  The best databases will vary based on your particular topic.  Keep in mind that all the databases that we get from EBSCOhost (indicated below) can be searched together.  Simply go into one of the databases, then click on the "choose databases" link near the top of the page to add in others.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost):  This is our most general online database, with some articles on almost any popular culture topic, so it makes a good starting point.  Keep in mind that this particular database has a mix of newspaper, magazine, and scholarly journal articles.  So you need to be careful that you are finding the type of source your professor wants.  If you need a scholarly article, look for the box on the left of the search results where you can limit the search to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.

Communication and Mass Media Complete (EBSCOhost):  This database has articles related to topics like movies, TV, the internet, advertising, and journalism.  Most of the articles will be scholarly.

FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Plus:  This database is devoted to articles on film and television.  Some of the articles will be scholarly, and some will be movie reviews.  However, even the movie reviews will tend to be more detailed than what you would find in a general newspaper or magazine.

SocINDEX (EBSCOhost):  Our main database for Sociology.  Since Sociology is the study of all things that are part of human society, you can often find analyses of various aspects of popular culture and their impact on us.

SPORTdiscus (EBSCOhost):  This database focuses on sports and sports/physical education and has articles from many sport-specific magazines that are not in other databases.

MLA International Bibliography (ProQuest):  Mainly a literature database, but also strong in articles on film.

Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost) Our major business database, so a good source for articles on advertising and also technology.


Newspaper and Magazine Articles

National NewspapersThis database provides access to the full text of articles from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Christian Science Monitor.

 Unlike National Newspapers, Newspaper Source (EBSCOhost) include popular magazine articles as well as newspaper articles.  Both allow you to access not only national level newspapers, but also local newspapers from around the country. Transcripts from television and radio news programs are also available.  In addition, LexisNexis also includes a selection of international and foreign language newspapers, newsletters, and news blogs.  While they are similar databases they differ in both content and how the interface works, so it is often worthwhile to search both.

Philadelphia Inquirer:  We have access to the full text of articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer from the most recent issue back to 1981.

Contact Information

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Amy Pajewski
FHG 211
West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400