Read & Publish Options @ West Chester University

Provides a list of publishers that have set agreements with West Chester University Libraries to provide open access publishing

Collections Strategist & Anthropology, Sociology Librarian

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Anne Larrivee
she, her

Overview of Read & Publish

For the benefit of West Chester University researchers, the West Chester University Libraries have negotiated Read & Publish agreements, also known as transformative agreements, with publishers that allow West Chester University authors to publish their works with these publishers openly and free of charge. 

We have agreements with the following publishers:

How is this possible?

Under the Read & Publish model, the libraries have agreed to pay a certain amount of fees tacked onto the library's annual vendor bill (or subscription) to provide a path for Open Access publishing. These additional payments help cover the costs for reading 'and' publishing within that publisher's journals.  If a West Chester University author is accepted for publication through one of the publishers listed below,  the author is granted open access licensing, free of any transactional Article Processing Charge (APC).

What does this mean for you if you are a scholar at West Chester University?

  • Publishing through open access channels means more research visbility for your work. You are more likely to be cited when your work can be openly accessed
  • Provides a route for those who have funding mandates that require researchers to share their research with the public
  • Establishes equitable access to your work and allows you to share your work openly without fears of violating your contract

Want to learn more about Read and Publish? (also known as 'publish and read,' 'transformative agreements,', 'transitional agreements')

Many websites provide useful overviews. Here are a few recommended sites:


Ready to participate? 

Steps listed, first Submit a manuscript to a journal affiliated with a listed publisher, then once your manuscript is accepted you are given option to select OA publishing with no transactional APCs, then Once OA is selected your article will be published under a CC-BY License

American Chemical Society (ACS)

WCU's agreement, offered through PALCI began January 2023

ACS Publications is a nonprofit publisher focused on being "a leader in providing access to chemistry-related information and research through peer-reviewed journals and eBooks."

Eligible Journals

To learn more about ACS's Read and Publish Agreements, navigate to their webpage 

*WCU authors must complete their author publishing agreement and select the Open Access publishing option to participate

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

WCU agreement began January 2024

The Association for Computing Machinery is a US-based educational and scientific computing society ACM focuses on bringing together relevant educators, researchers, and professionals "to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges." ACM's goal is to be fully OA by 2026.

Eligible Journals

To learn more, see ACM Open - ACM's Transformative Model for Open Access Publication webpage 

"Today, ACM Publications and the ACM Digital Library platform are funded by selling "read" or "access" licenses to approximately 2,700 universities, government research labs, and corporations around the world."

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

WCU agreement began in December 2024

Cambridge University Press is a nonprofit publishing division of the University of Cambridge. It currently supports the publication of more than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals. Focus areas include the humanities, social sciences, sciences, technology, and medicine. 

The Read-and-Publish Agreement allows members to receive full access to their 400+ journal package and gain uncapped (with few exceptions), no-cost, gold open access publishing within Cambridge's hybrid and gold OA journals. 

Eligible Journals

To search by subject, use this link and refer to the lock symbol to assess whether a journal qualifies as hybrid (containing open access) or open access

To learn more, follow this link about Cambridge's open research and transformative agreements

West Chester University is a participating institution

Company of Biologists (CoB)

WCU's agreement began Summer 2023

The Company of Biologists is a non-profit publisher focused on "supporting and inspiring the biological community"

Eligible Journals

To learn more about the Company of Biologist's Read & Publish Open Access Initiative navigate to their webpage 

Institute of Physics (IOP)

WCU agreement began January 2023

IoP is a UK and Irish-based physics society that describes themselves as striving "to make physics accessible to people from all backgrounds." Through the transformative agreement they offer unlimited gold OA publishing to corresponding authors for their gold and hybrid journal titles. 

Eligible Journals

To learn more about IoP's Transformative and Institutional Open Access Agreements, see their webpage

Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)

WCU agreement began in 2019

SCOAP3 is a partnership of over 3,000 libraries, funding agencies, and research center. This partnership has allowed for key journals in the field of high-energy physics to be open. As a result, authors are not charged to publish in these affiliated jounals. 

Eligible Journals:

To learn more about SCOAP3, visit their about webpage (

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400