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CRJ 366 Forensic Mental Health

A WCU Libraries course guide for Dr. Michele Bratina's CRJ 366 class.

Popular vs. Scholarly

What's the difference between popular magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications?



Information and images derived from Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Publications (William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University).

How to Search for Scholarly Articles


Use the LIBRARY SEARCH BOX (above) to search for scholarly articles.

  1. Type in keywords/phrases.  
    • Example research question: School-to-prison pipeline as it pertains to youth with mental health and/or developmental disabilities.
    • Example keywords to search: school to prison pipeline mental health
  2. Before looking at your results, login to your library account with your WCU email address and password (top right corner).
  3. Narrow your results on the left side bar.
    • Under Show Only, click on Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Journals.
    • If needed, refine by date (Tip: you need to click the Refine button).
    • Under Source Type, click on Articles.
    • Under Subject, click on Show More. Then either click on one subject term OR check off multiple and hover at bottom of column to see green Apply Filter button (Tip: it's hidden until you hover over it).
    • Still too many results? Limit by Subject again, change original search terms, or browse through results for additional/different keywords.

Specialized Databases

EBSCO databases

You can search multiple EBSCO databases at once!  Click on the Choose Database link above the first search box.

Using the previous research question example, I might choose: Criminal Justice Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, Health Source, and Child Development and Adolescent Studies.


Other Specialized Databases

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400