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EBSCO databases
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Using the previous research question example, I might choose: Criminal Justice Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, Health Source, and Child Development and Adolescent Studies.
This database focuses exclusively on issues of aging and the population of people aged 50 years and older for social gerontology research. Resources include journal articles, books, and reports.
An essential collection for students and scholars researching criminal justice and criminology, Criminal Justice Abstracts contains full text and bibliographic records of leading journals in the criminal justice field covering a wide range of topics.
Full text access to scholarly journals covering many medical disciplines.
Citations and abstracts, with links to some full text, for journals dealing with all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, areas of service and social issues and problems.
Other Specialized Databases
Video collection providing a thorough grounding in dozens of therapeutic methods and diagnoses, insight into the human condition, and training in skills such as reflection and empathy while working with specific populations such as veterans and teens. Includes footage of actual & re-enacted therapy sessions, interviews with professionals, and experts giving advice to counseling professionals about their work. Teaching and discussion guides accompany many of the videos.
What's the difference between popular magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications?
Information and images derived from Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Publications (William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University).