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Graduate Student Research Hub

This is a one-stop-shop for graduate student researchers at West Chester University. Explore this website to better navigate available resources, funding, and opportunities.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

What is the IRB?

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) review research studies that involve human participants to ensure that studies: a) follow applicable regulations, b) enact commonly accepted ethical standards, c) meet institutional policies, d) treat participants ethically, and e) appropriately protect research participants from research-related risk.

The IRB members include faculty and community members from varying backgrounds who have experience in research, meeting federal regulations for IRB composition. WCU’s IRB includes members who represent the perspectives of scientists, non-scientists, community members not affiliated with the institution, and a prisoner advocate. WCU’s IRB includes members from various colleges and disciplines to offer diverse experiences and perspectives when reviewing IRB applications. (Content adapted from:

How to Submit an IRB Application

IRB Office Hours

The IRB team can help you address application errors, any questions/concerns about your application, how to navigate Cayuse, and more!

Any questions about Cayuse or your IRB application status can be directed to the IRB office at:

Additionally, the IRB Co-Chairs hold weekly office hours (see below). 

Dr. Melissa Reed (
Wednesday's 9am-10am

Zoom Link Here

Dr. Heather Leaman (
Thursday's 4pm-5pm

Zoom Link Here 

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400