WRT 200 (Schoettler)

Tips for using databases

Tips for using the databases

  1. Select two to three keywords from your research question.
  2. Utilize Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT to connect your keywords.
  3. Narrow your search results using database limits, such as publication date, source type, and subject terms.
  4. Evaluate your search results. Too many? Add more specific keywords and/or database limits. Too few? Use broader or fewer keywords. You can also try searching in another database.
  5. Repeat. Research is a cycle; you will likely need to move through these steps more than once to find sources.


General Keywords


  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and others)
  • Gender roles
  • Gender expression
  • Gender equality
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Gender dysphoria
  • Sexual minorities
  • Intersectionality
  • Feminism
  • Masculinity
  • Femininity
  • Heteronormativity
  • LGBTQ+ rights
  • Transgender rights
  • Sexuality education
  • LGBTQ+ activism
  • Gender-based violence
  • LGBTQ+ health disparities

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Amy Pajewski
FHG 211

Library Databases

  • Defining Gender 
    Original British source material from a gendered perspective in history, literature, sociology and education.
    (Adam Matthew)

  • Digital Transgender Archive 
    The purpose is to increase the accessibility of transgender history by providing an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world.
  • Gender Studies Database 
    Covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia from 1972 to present. Essential subjects covered include gender inequality, masculinity, post-feminism, gender identity and more.

  • Gender: Identity and Social Change 
    Primary sources documenting the changing representations and lived experiences of gender roles and relations from the nineteenth century to the present covering women's suffrage, the feminist movement, the men’s movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics.
    (Adam Matthew)

  • LGBT Studies  
    Award-winning films, documentaries, interviews, and archival footage exploring the social, cultural, and political evolution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day (Alexander Street Press)

  • SocINDEX with Full Text 
    A comprehensive and high quality sociology research database encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study.

  • Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 
    Documents & images centered on the history of women in United States social movements. Includes a dictionary of social movements & organizations, a chronology of U.S. Women's History and teaching tools with lesson ideas and document-based questions.
    (Alexander Street Press)

  • Women and Social Movements International, 1840 - present 
    Primary materials including the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made.
    (Alexander Street Press)


To browse for physical books head to the 4th floor and look in the following Dewey range areas:

•306.76: Sexual orientation, Asexuality
•306.764: Heterosexuality
•306.765: Bisexuality
•306.766: Homosexuality
•306.7662: Male homosexuality (gay men)
•306.7663: Lesbianism
•306.768: Transgenderism and Transsexualism
•306.7685: Intersexuality

Data Resources


Complied below are specific resources looking at topics related to gender & sexuality studies. Popular data sources such as The Pew Research CenterCensus Data, Human Rights CampaignInter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) are searchable by theme/topic. 

Selected LGBTQIA Web Resources

  • Digital Transgender Archive
    Provides an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world. Based at the College of the Holy Cross, the DTA is an international collaboration among more than fifty colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, public libraries, and private collections.
  • The History Project: Documenting LGBTQ Boston

    Focused on documenting and preserving the history of New England's LGBTQ communities.

  • LGBT+ Histories and Historians Report and Resources

    Fully downloadable report from the Royal Historical Society with links to reading lists and other sites and a separate download of data from the report.

  • LGBT Materials in the New York Public Library

    The archive of the International Gay Information Center, along with other related archives donated to the library. Contains documents, photographs, art, postcards, and much more.

  • LGBTQ+ Politics and Political Candidates Web Archive

    This web archive captures digital content related to LGBTQ+ political candidates and political issues and topics at various levels of government, with a focus on lesser-known local and state politics.

  • LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive

    Web archive that collects and preserves online content which documents LGBTQ+ history, scholarship, and culture in the United States and around the world.

  • LGBTQ Religious Archives Network

    "Preserving history and encouraging scholarly study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender religious movements around the world."

  • LGBTQ Video Game Archive

    "Documenting the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer content in games."

  • Rhode Island LGBTQ+ Community Archive

    From the Providence Public Library: "a community archives initiative to collect and provide access to the current and past stories of LGBTQ+ people in Rhode Island. We are focused on ensuring the preservation of materials chronicling the social, cultural & political history of RI LGBTQ+ people and organizations."

  • South Asia Gender and Sexuality Web Archive

    "Amplifying the voices of those fighting against long histories of patriarchal dominance, the South Asian Gender and Sexuality Web Archive documents and preserves the work of activists, grassroots organizations, and social justice movements committed to promoting the visibility and experiences of LGBTQAI+ people and women in South Asia and its diasporas." Curated by librarians from the Ivies Plus Libraries Confederation.

  • The Trevor Project

    Website of the national organization whose mission is "to end suicide among gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning young people." The site also includes educational materials for school curricula.

  • Where Love is Illegal

    Where Love is Illegal "documents and captures personal testimonies of survival from the LGBTQI+ community around the world."

  • LGBTQ+ Communities of the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

    Web archive of broad range of websites maintained by and for the benefit of LGBTQ+ communities. These sites document news, events, and issues and provide information about seeking assistance.

Special Collections Resources

West Chester University office for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The West Chester University Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Collection is divided into four series: Affirmative Action, Correspondence, Events, and Policies and Procedures.

American Association of American Women- West Chester branch
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) West Chester - Chester County Branch records are divided into four series: Administrative Materials, Correspondence, Events, and Publications.

West Chester University   ---    WCU Libraries  25 West Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383  610-430-4400