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SCM 499 Competition Research Guide: Penske

Penske Research: Resources Overview

This research guide will help you prepare for the Penske Truck Rental services' Supply Chain Management (SCM) Case Competition

It included resources and research strategies for analyzing the truck rental industry, consumers, and market, identifying potential agents, and finding their locations.

This guide highlighted the following resources:

  • Truck Rental Industry and Competitor Analysis
  • Personal Rental: Consumer and Market Analysis
  • Commercial Rental: Consumer and Market Analysis
    • Identify the industries that heavily rely on logistics and truck rental
    • Mapping these industries with the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
    • Identify the businesses in the industry (potential customers), their locations, and create a heatmap to see where they are.
  • Ideal Agent and Location Analysis
    • Conduct Reference Solution Heatmap and Zipcode Tally analysis
    • Use Reference Solutions to search for potential agents
    • Study the agent locations of competitors
    • Use ArcGIS, Google Map, and Reference Solutions to understand where the competitors are.
  • Career Connections


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