Our streaming film databases include a mix of both secondary sources (documentaries) and historical primary sources (such as original recordings of historic events and speeches). Films can be identified either by browsing the databases or by searching.
When searching for films by specific title or by topic, the library catalog is best, because it includes records for films spanning our numerous databases.
Tip: After your initial search, use the left-hand column to limit your search to Full Text Online and Audio Visual.
You can also go into individual databases and browse to see what they have. Here is a link to all our streaming video databases.
Here is a list of the databases with a lot of history content:
Streaming video that allows students and researchers to analyze historical events & their presentation over time through commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage & important documentaries. It includes History Channel and PBS broadcasts as well as USIA footage covering the Revolutionary Era to 21st century.
Documentaries, newsreels, interviews and archival footage surveying the evolution of black culture in the United States, including the California Newsreel African American Classics collection.
Streaming educational videos in a wide variety of subject areas.
Videos from BBC, PBS and other sources, documenting global history from earliest civilizations to the late twentieth century.