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CRW 305 (Alnes)

A research guide for CRW 305: Creation Nonficiton Workshop I.

Information need questions to ask yourself

  • What do I need to know more about for this project?
  • How important is it that I have all my facts right? (dependent on topic, genre, assignment, etc.)
  • How deep does my knowledge need to be?
  • How much time do I have to spend on this?

Based on what I need, what sources might help me the most?

  Facts/Reliability Depth of information Time Investment Comments
Scholarly journal articles High High High Very narrow (too narrow?) focus.  Can be hard to read.
Books (chapters) High High High to Medium Good for broad overviews.  Time investment depends on how much of the book you read!
Newspapers/Magazines High (for facts) Low Low While a reliable newspapers presents facts correctly, they may exhibit a strong bias in how they then interpret those facts.
Documentary videos Medium Medium Low (multitasking) Good for overviews, but often have a strong point of view/bias.  Meant to be entertaining as well as informative.
Websites Varies widely Medium Medium Time gained using familiar format may be lost in evaluating sources or going off on tangents.
Wikipedia Medium Varies widely Low Nothing wrong with this for cases where you just need some basic info or overview.  Look for links to other sources.
Social media Low Low Low Major problems with fake news, but invaluable for what people are thinking or saying.
Interviews Medium Medium Low Great for an example of an individual's experiences or thoughts, but may be dangerous to generalize based on one or two.


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