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Library of Congress Classification Conversion Project Update

by Deirdre Childs on 2024-08-28T11:23:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

University Libraries is converting our call number system from Dewey Decimal to Library of Congress (LCC) classification system. LCC is widely used in research libraries and benefits student success and faculty research:

  • Improves browsing and finding related materials as disciplines and subjects are shelved together
  • Expands knowledge of discipline connections
  • Call numbers are less complex and easier to read
  • Classification of emerging fields keeps collection current

Over the summer, new books started receiving an LC call number and are shelved on the third floor of FHG Library, separately from books with Dewey call numbers. The current collection is being converted systematically, and books will be moved with the LC collection. Please visit the project webpage for updates and more information, including tips on how to navigate the changes. Staff are always available to help! Please stop by the Library Help Desk for assistance.

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